Laborers' International Union of North America Affiliated with the AFL-CIO

Laborers' Local 57 is Affiliated with The Laborers' International Union of North America. (LIUNA) We are one of the three Local Unions that comprise The Laborers' District Council of Philadelphia and Vicinity. The majority of our Laborers' work is in the Heavy and Highway Construction Division. The Utility Division employs the second largest group of Laborers' from our membership. Our Private Industry Division is by far the most diverse and reaches over the entire 5 county area including manufacturing, recycling facilities, quarries and other construction related companies. For over 75 years Local 57 members have been Building, Maintaining and Upgrading the areas Infrastructure, primarily Roads, Bridges and Highways.
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Benefit Funds

This years Scholarship Fund raised a new record of over $44,000. Thank you to all the contributors and staff that worked hard to make it possible for our members children and grandchildren to receive scholarships.
Thank you to all the proud members of Laborers' Local 57 that volunteer to help out the community! If you would like to become a volunteer contact the union hall today!

L.D.C. Construction Pension Fund
L.D.C. Heavy & Highway Welfare Fund
L.D.C. Education & Training Fund
L.D.C. Prepaid Legal Fund
Laborers' Local 57 Industrial Pension Fund
Office Location:
500-506 N. 6th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123
Contact Us:
(215) 928-8857
Monday-Friday 7am-4pm
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